August 11 - 15, 2025

CCCG 2025

York University, Toronto


CCCG 2025

The 37th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2025) will be held at York University’s Keele Campus in Toronto from August 11 to 15, 2025. The conference will be co-located with the 19th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS 2025). CCCG provides a platform to present and discuss new theoretical and applied results in discrete and computational geometry. It focuses on the design of efficient algorithms, the development of innovative software, and the study of the mathematical foundations of computational problems involving geometric constraints. The field of computational geometry is motivated by problems from a broad range of application areas, as diverse as computer graphics and animation, computer vision, computer-aided design and manufacturing, geographic information systems, pattern recognition, wireless communications, robotics, protein folding, urban planning, graph drawing, or statistical analysis.

Call for Papers

For a PDF version of calls for the CCCG'25, click here.

Authors are invited to submit original research papers presenting theoretical or practical advancements in computational, combinatorial, and discrete geometry, as well as related fields. All submissions will undergo peer review by the Program Committee. Papers must include a clear and concise presentation of results, including the proofs. Submissions are limited to six pages, excluding references and appendices, and must be prepared in LaTeX using the provided template.

The main body of the paper (up to six pages) should be self-contained and provide a clear, succinct description of the results. Any additional material that cannot fit within this limit due to space constraints should be included in a clearly marked appendix. The appendix will be considered at the discretion of the Program Committee. Submissions that fail to comply with these guidelines may be rejected without a full review of their content.
The main body of the paper (up to six pages) should be self-contained and provide a clear, succinct description of the results. Any additional material that cannot fit within this limit due to space constraints should be included in a clearly marked appendix. The appendix will be considered at the discretion of the Program Committee. Submissions that fail to comply with these guidelines may be rejected without a full review of their content.

Simultaneous submissions to other conferences or journals are not permitted. Accepted papers must be presented in person at the conference, and at least one registration is required per accepted paper. Failure to comply will result in the paper being removed from the proceedings. The proceedings will be published online. There will be no paper proceedings. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a special issue of the open-access journal Computing in Geometry and Topology.

Double-Blind Review Process
A double-blind review process will be implemented for regular papers, ensuring that neither authors nor reviewers are aware of each other’s identities during the review. Authors are expected to take all reasonable measures to preserve anonymity, such as omitting their names, affiliations, and acknowledgments from the submission. These details will be included in the published version upon acceptance.

Paper submissions will be managed using the Microsoft CMT system. First-time users will need to create an account to access the submission platform. Authors are asked to specify their conflict of interests and briefly describe the main (sub)area their submission belongs to under the subject area field, as this information may assist in the reviewer assignment process. If you experience any difficulties with the submission, please email

Important Dates

(All times are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth)

CCCG 2025 - Program Committee

Organizing Committee

PhD Dissertation Award

An award will be given for the best PhD dissertation in Computational Geometry. Eligible dissertations must have been defended (or scheduled for defence) between January 1, 2024, and the submission deadline of CCCG 2025 by PhD students from any university worldwide.

Nominations should be submitted by the examining committee (e.g., the thesis advisor) and must include:

The Steering Committee will evaluate nominations. The award recipient is expected to attend the conference, present their work, and accept the award.