August 11 - 15, 2025
WADS 2025
York University, Toronto

WADS 2025
The Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium, WADS, which alternates with the Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory, SWAT, is intended as a forum for researchers in the area of design and analysis of algorithms and data structures.
We invite submissions of papers presenting original research on the theory and application of algorithms and data structures in all areas including, but not limited to: approximation algorithms, parametrized algorithms, distributed algorithms, parallel algorithms, external-memory algorithms, data structures, computational geometry and topology, exponential time algorithms, online algorithms, randomized algorithms, streaming algorithms, sub-linear algorithms. The algorithmic problems considered may be motivated by applications, e.g. in optimization, graph analysis, bioinformatics, visualization, string processing, information retrieval, machine learning, algorithmic game theory, or mechanism design.
A list of previous editions of WADS can be found at
WADS 2025 - Call for Papers
The Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium, WADS, which alternates with the Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory, SWAT, is intended as a forum for researchers in the area of design and analysis of algorithms and data structures.
WADS 2025 will take place August 11-15, 2025 at York University in Toronto, Canada. CCCG 2025, the 37th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, is planned for August 11-15 at the same location.
We invite submissions of papers presenting original research on the theory and application of algorithms and data structures in all areas, including, but not limited to: approximation algorithms, parametrized algorithms, distributed algorithms, parallel algorithms, external-memory algorithms, data structures, computational geometry and topology, exponential time algorithms, online algorithms, randomized algorithms, streaming algorithms, sub-linear algorithms. The algorithmic problems considered may be motivated by applications, e.g. in optimization, graph analysis, bioinformatics, visualization, string processing, information retrieval, machine learning, algorithmic game theory, or mechanism design.
WADS participates in SafeToC and is committed to preventing and combatting harassment in the Theory of Computing community. The ToC advocate for WADS is Pat Morin. Authors who submit papers will have an opportunity to declare a conflict of interest with potential reviewers.
WADS 2025 will have a Best Paper award in memory of Alejandro Lopez-Ortiz and a Best Student Presentation award. The paper that receives the memorial award will be presented in a non-parallel time slot. The best student presentation will be chosen by a subset of the program committee with input from session chairs.
Important Dates
(All times are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth)
Abstract registration deadline: February 21, 2025Â
Submission deadline: February 21, 2025Â
Notification date: April 15, 2025Â
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Contributors are invited to submit a full paper in LIPIcs format. The title, abstract, and body of the paper may not exceed 12 pages, and the total length, including references, may not exceed 14 pages. An appendix beyond the 14 pages may be added and may be read at the reviewers’ discretion. Submissions will be handled through EasyChairÂ
All questions about submissions should be emailed to the program chairs, Pat Morin and Eunjin Oh.
Program Committee
Davide Bilò, University of L'Aquila
Ahmad Biniaz, University of Windsor
Gerth Stolting Brodal, Aarhus University
Yixin Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jean Cardinal, Université libre de Bruxelles
Leah Epstein, University of Haifa
Zachary Friggstad, University of Alberta
Paweł Gawrychowski, University of Wrocław
Sandor Kisfaludi-Bak, Aalto University
Hung Le, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Pranabendu Misra, Chennai Mathematical Institute
Joseph Mitchell, Stony Brook University
Pat Morin, Carleton University (co-chair)
Martin Nollenburg, Technische Universitat Wien
Andre Nusser, Inria Center at Universite Cote dAzur
Eunjin Oh, Pohang University of Science and Technology (co-chair)
Denis Pankratov, Concordia University
Eric Ruppert, York University
Kunihiko Sadakane, University of Tokyo
Rodrigo I. Silveira, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Michiel Smid, Carleton University
Frank Staals, Utrecht University
Leonidas Theocharous, Eindhoven University of Technology
Csaba D. Toth, California State University Northridge
Jie Xue, New York University Shanghai
Sebastian Wiederrecht, KAIST
Lena Yuditsky, Université libre de Bruxelles
Organizing Committee
Shahin Kamali, York University, Toronto, Canada
Eric Ruppert, York University, Toronto, Canada